Product Updates

New updates and improvements to Mind That Asset

May 2023 Updates


This month, we have a new batch of updates to keep improving the Mind That platform and provide a few quality-of-life adjustments and improvements to user experience. Highlights for May's update include a bug fix for sending emails, improvements to the layout and a drag-and-drop feature for file attachments.


Bug Fixes:

  • Error sending an email - If an attachment is selected in a work order email, but no default PDF has been set in the template settings, the email will not be sent. This is now resolved.


Improvements and Changes:

  • Layout - We’ve widened the layout to make things less cramped where your screen size supports it.
  • Images - Images attached will now be compressed and resized to enhance loading times and reduce PDF file size.


New Features:

  • Drag and Drop Feature - Drag and drop file attachments on the attachments tab of any relevant record or the document entry form.

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Drag and drop attachments

It would be good to be able to drag attachments on attachment drop zones. (ie. yellow highlighted areas)

Nick Mason



  • Invoice Tab - Enabling the bills module on your workspace will let the Sites record contain the Invoice tab.