Product Updates

New updates and improvements to Mind That Asset

  1. July 2024 Updates

    We're continuing to make Mind That more accessible and streamlined with new improvements and additions to our Portals. We now have Vendor, Tenant, and Landlord Portals that will allow them access to work orders and documents. Let's look at the new features:



    What's New?

    • We've added Vendor, Tenant, and Landlord Portals
    • Users can access and change these portals via the Portal Settings
    • We've improved vendor portals by adding vendor documents and contacts.
    • This allows you to create new vendor workflows, such as conducting annual reviews of current staff and updating expiring documents like insurance or certifications for upcoming requirements.
    • New Tenant and Landlord portals allow users to share a portal with their respective tenants or landlords, providing access to current work orders and documents.
    • We've added new security methods, including One Time Passwords and expiring magic links, to further enhance security.
    • Tenants and landlords require Mind That Property.

    To learn more on how Portals work and how to change settings, see these articles How to Enable and Configure Portals and Managing Portals. 





    Link to helpdesk documents

  2. June 2024 Updates

    We've added a new feature in Mind That to increase accessibility and improve overall efficiency when searching for Records. Save Search is now here and will allow users to save their search filters.


    What's New?

    • Users can now change the columns displayed when clicking/searching for a Record Type List.
    • Search filters can now be saved using Save Search.


    • Users can mark their saved search filters as favourite or make it available to other users in the workspace.
    • To view your saved search filters, go to user profile > click on the drop-down arrow > click Saved Searches.
    • See this article for more information on Save Search Feature: How to Use Save Search  


  3. May 2024 Updates

    We're dropping a major update for this month. You may have noticed a few changes in the design of Mind That recently. We've given the platform a bit of a facelift, featuring a more modern look. These design updates also pave the way for some exciting new features that are on the horizon. Rest assured, everything is still mostly in the same place, with just a few minor tweaks here and there to improve your experience.


    What's New?

    • We've made the layout a bit wider for a cleaner and clearer look.
    • We've improved the Job Board page.


    • Record pages (Jobs, Work Orders, Vendors, Tenants, Landlords, Contacts, Sites, etc.) can now be scrolled horizontally.
    • We've improved the mobile version for better functionality
    • Context Menu has changed place on Vendors
    • Easier access to features such as Helpdesk, Bug Reports, Settings, Roadmap, etc.


    We will have more major improvements for Mind That in the coming months.


     For more tutorials and, tips and tricks,  check out the Mind That Helpdesk. 



  4. April 2024 Updates

    2024 has been a busy year for us. We've been working hard behind the scenes and are excited to share some big updates to the Mind That platform. We've upgraded many features to make things easier and more streamlined. First up is an enhancement to the Mind That Global Search feature.


    Improved Global Search - What's New


    • Global search is now separated into tabs, making it clearer and faster to find the record you are looking for.
    • We've also added search abilities for Tenants, Landlords, and assets.
    • Microsoft Windows users can use the Ctrl + K keyboard shortcut for the Search Box, whilst Mac users can use the ⌘ + K keyboard shortcut.
    • Users can quickly pinpoint the record type and information they’re looking for by typing in query commands such as site:[keyword] or s:[keyword] as an example. This works for all record types by typing in the record name or the first letter of the record type.


    For more tips and tricks when using Global Search, see this article.

  5. October 2023 Updates

    We've continued to add more improvements and features to the Mind That platform to build up on last month's update. This month's highlight includes new features on the email editor, easier switching of workspaces, and some needed bug fixes. These priority releases are essential to improve the Mind That user experience and streamline more processes and workflows.


    New Features:

    • When emailing from a job work order, the email editor now allows you to search and select contacts belonging to that vendor.



    • Users can now switch between workspaces, even if they belong to different accounts.
    • Activity Log now displays the specific workflow that triggered a record change, improving transparency and better understanding.
    • The Asset category editor on the Asset settings page has been improved.


    Bug Fixes:

    • There is no option available to remove a branded logo from the settings page. This is resolved.
    • Due date improvements.
    • The Assets tab will still display if the Asset module is not enabled on a record. This is now fixed.



  6. September 2023 Updates

    Building up on last month's update, we've added more improvements and features to the Mind That platform. We've prioritised releasing these new features to improve the Mind That user experience and streamline more processes and workflows. Some highlights for this September update include better date range selections, integrating Assets and Bills in workflows, improvements on information displays and resolving bugs and issues.


    New Features:

    • Easily select date ranges with quick links, now displayed by default anywhere a date filter is present.
    • Assets and Bills can now be created within workflows.
    • Vendors can no longer change the completion date or due date of a Work Order. This can be done from the Job Type settings. This change is particularly helpful for recurring work orders, whilst still providing flexibility for vendors to report when a job is complete for reactive-style jobs.



    • The Job name / Description now shows on notification emails.
    • Helpdesk links are now in the user profile.
    • The terms and conditions in settings now allow the use of variables by implementing the moustache syntax.
    • Improvements on the variable calling for better consistency.
    • We’ve made job types into a pop-out job modal for clearer editing.
    • Improvement on the invitation email template and styling
    • On the vendor record, a badge displays the number of contacts on the tab without the need to click and check.


    Bug Fixes:

    • When clicking on the job type button in the job settings menu, sometimes the button would not work. This is now fixed.
    • The issue wherein when you save workspaces and then resave, the steps disappear is now resolved.
    • When clicking on a PDF attachment, it would appear in a modal box; this box was very small, rendering it difficult to use. Enlarged the modal box.
    • When sorting is applied, the recording list table sometimes drops off the screen. This bug has been fixed to ensure the list table remains within the screen's boundaries.


  7. August 2023 Updates

    Following the announcement of Mind That Asset, we've been hard at work optimising the Mind That platform, providing quality-of-life adjustments and improvements to user experience. This month, the highlights include workflow improvements, displaying the work order due dates, and some needed bug fixes.


    Improvements and Changes:

    • From the vendor record, on the tab, we now display the work order due date.
    • We've added workflow improvements. Based on the date, workflows would trigger daily within the date range. There is a new option to trigger workflows only on specific dates.


    Bug Fixes:

    • Resolved a bug where a required field was hidden, and it would create a validation error.
    • Resolved a bug where documents would show multiple times on the document list view.
    • Fixed an issue where when a vendor closes a job, sometimes the work order would duplicate twice.
    • The sort button on the list view is now working.


  8. Introducing the Mind That Asset

    Maintaining control of your assets is essential in the quick-paced world of facility management. Every facility owner knows the difficulties in tracking and managing assets throughout their lifecycle, from acquisition to disposal. Because of this, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Mind That Asset, a revolutionary function complimenting Mind That Facility.


    We've completely rethought how you manage the assets in your buildings with Mind That Asset, making it more effective, simple, and seamless than ever. The days of tedious paperwork, time-consuming spreadsheets, and continual concern over missing or underused assets are long gone. You can now control your assets and utilise their potential with just a few clicks.


    But what distinguishes Mind That Asset from other available solutions? Let's explore the five main advantages of this game-changing function for facility owners and managers like yourself.


    • Comprehensive Asset Lifecycle Management — Mind That Asset allows you to oversee the whole lifecycle of your assets. Navigate each lifetime step, including allocation, use, maintenance, and final disposal.
    • Obtain a comprehensive understanding of each asset history, including the dates of acquisition, service history, and maintenance schedules, all on one consolidated platform. With this feature, you can optimise asset utilisation, ensure timely maintenance, and make informed decisions about asset allocation.


    • Time and Effort Savings — Our asset management feature is designed to streamline your asset management process, eliminating the need for manual data entry and tiresome paperwork. With automated tracking and real-time updates, you can bid farewell to hours spent searching for information and managing spreadsheets. Mind That Asset Management frees up valuable time, enabling you to focus on strategic decision-making and other critical aspects of facility management.


    • Enhanced Asset Utilisation — Efficient utilisation is the key to maximising asset value. Mind That Asset Management provides actionable insights into asset performance and usage patterns. Identify underutilised assets and redistribute them to areas where they can be used optimally. Doing so can reduce unnecessary expenses and ensure that every asset contributes to your facility's productivity and profitability.


    • Improved Maintenance Planning and Scheduling — Effective asset management entails staying on top of maintenance schedules and ensuring timely repairs. Mind That Asset Management simplifies this process by offering proactive maintenance planning. Receive automated alerts for scheduled maintenance, service checks, and warranty expirations. You can prevent costly breakdowns, extend asset lifespans, and optimise maintenance budgets with timely reminders and notifications.


    • Efficient Cost Control — Mind That Asset provides a comprehensive overview of asset-related costs. You can gain valuable insights into your facility's financial performance by accurately tracking asset depreciation, maintenance expenses, and operational costs. Identify cost-saving opportunities, such as optimising asset lifecycles, negotiating better service contracts, and identifying areas for process improvement. With this enhanced cost control, you can make informed financial decisions, ultimately improving profitability.


    Mind That Asset ensures you stay ahead of the curve as facility management demands evolve. Our feature offers a user-friendly interface, powerful data analytics, and a seamless experience, all aimed at revolutionising how you manage your assets.


    With Mind That Asset, bid farewell to the complexities of asset tracking and welcome a new era of efficiency, productivity, and cost optimisation. Take control of your assets and unlock their full potential.


    Experience the power of Mind That Asset today and join the growing community of facility owners revolutionising how they manage their assets. Don't just manage your assets; master them with the Mind That Suite.


  9. May 2023 Updates


    This month, we have a new batch of updates to keep improving the Mind That platform and provide a few quality-of-life adjustments and improvements to user experience. Highlights for May's update include a bug fix for sending emails, improvements to the layout and a drag-and-drop feature for file attachments.


    Bug Fixes:

    • Error sending an email - If an attachment is selected in a work order email, but no default PDF has been set in the template settings, the email will not be sent. This is now resolved.


    Improvements and Changes:

    • Layout - We’ve widened the layout to make things less cramped where your screen size supports it.
    • Images - Images attached will now be compressed and resized to enhance loading times and reduce PDF file size.


    New Features:

    • Drag and Drop Feature - Drag and drop file attachments on the attachments tab of any relevant record or the document entry form.

      2023-06-01_18-18-32 (1)



    Drag and drop attachments

    It would be good to be able to drag attachments on attachment drop zones. (ie. yellow highlighted areas)

    Nick Mason



    • Invoice Tab - Enabling the bills module on your workspace will let the Sites record contain the Invoice tab.
  10. April 2023 Updates


    We've released a new batch of updates to keep improving the Mind That platform and introduce new features to streamline the user experience. Bug fixes are also a top priority for this month's update. Highlights for this April update include work orders automatically completed when the system matches with a Xero bill, .csv Export bug fix, and hazard editor scrolling automatically to the new hazard row at the page's bottom.


    Bug Fixes:

    • .csv Export Bug - fixed a bug where the .csv spreadsheet file would show site names or vendor columns as a random date.
    • Save button missing - When updating a log in image, the save button will not appear. The save button should now appear.
    • Delete user from all workspaces - When deleting a user on a single workspace, the user will be deleted from all workspaces. This should now work as intended so that you only delete the user from the workspace you're currently updating.


    Improvements and Changes:

    Hazard Editor

    Hazard Editor GIF
    • Adding a New Hazard will automatically scroll the editor to the bottom of the table for quick and easy editing.


    Recurring Jobs

    Recurring Job Order GIF
    • Previously, the only way to trigger Recurring Jobs is when the Scheduled Job switch is toggled on. We've now removed the switch allowing any job type to be a scheduled job. You can do this by editing the work order, scrolling to the Recurring Jobs option and assigning a value from the dropdown menu.


    Photo attachments on PDF Template

    Photo Attachment Template GIF
    • Photo attachments can now be added to the Work Order PDF template by adding the {{image_gallery}} tag into the template. This will show as a 2x2 thumbnail grid within the PDF.


    New Features:

    Xero Switch GIF
    • You can now select which work orders are automatically completed by job type when the system automatically matches with a Xero bill (Previously, all work orders matching a Xero bill would be automatically marked as completed). To do this, go to Settings -> Jobs -> Job types and select the Xero Autocomplete switch to on.